Tuesday, January 12, 2016

How to Make Fitness Resolutions That Work

Another year has come and you still haven’t set your fitness resolutions as you had planned.  You are still day dreaming, wishing and wanting to lose weight, tone up and be healthier.  You look in the mirror and say, “I wish I was 20 lbs lighter,” “I wish I was thinner,” “I wish I fit into those jeans,” or “I can’t believe I let myself gain this much weight.”  Trust me, you are NOT ALONE!  Most people don’t know how to make fitness resolutions that work and stick.

How to Make Fitness Resolutions That Work Mary Miranda Fit fab

I remember vividly before I turned 19, I kept saying “I want six-pack abs by the time I turn 19.” Guess what happened?  I let 10 years go by when I finally did something about it.  I never did anything about it.  That’s it!!! I NEVER took ACTION!  This is the secret to setting fitness resolutions that work.

“You Don’t Need Motivation to Start, You Simply Need to Start. #Motivation will come later.” Mary…
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How to Make Fitness Resolutions That Work Mary Miranda Fit fb

How to Make Fitness Resolutions That Work

When setting your resolutions and goals, I use the SMART goal setting principle, which is an acronym that stands for goals that are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Time-Bound.



Ask yourself, “Why do I want to be healthy?”  “What’s my main reason I want to set my Fitness Resolutions?”

If you don’t have a concrete reason why you want to be healthy or fit, then you will be all over the place with your goals.  You need to have a motive in order to know what action to take.  You can’t trace a plan if you don’t know the reason why you are making it.  For example, you want to lose weight, but what is the reason behind this?  Simply because you want to be thinner, or you have a cardiovascular disease that requires your to lose weight?  Two different reasons and two different approaches.  If you have a cardiovascular disease, you are most likely taking medications, which will require your Doctor’s approval to start exercising and eating healthy.  Your workouts and dietary needs, will be slightly different.  Whereas if you simply want to lose weight because you want to be thin, but have no cardiovascular diseases, then your approach will be different.  All you need to do is find your Why!

Read my blog post to find my “Why” to get six-pack abs  7 TIPS TO SIX-PACK ABS



You need to close your eyes and visually imagine, feel, and act as if you already have what you are seeking.  Yes, this is key in your success to your fitness resolutions.

Ask yourself the following questions: How will you Feel when you have achieved that goal? What will you do? How will you act? How will your life change? How will you dress? What places will you go? How will your mindset change? How will you live your life daily? How will your family feel around you with the New You?

I never knew how strong the power of visualization and Law of Attraction were, until I began to use them.  That feeling you get in your chest when you visualize “how you will feel when you achieve your goal?” is beyond anything.  What are you waiting for? Start visualizing to set your fitness resolutions!

You can to learn How to Make A Vision Board to help you visualize.



When you use a journal, you will be able to measure and track your progress and goals in one place. Seeing your initial statistics and comparing your progress within 4-weeks or 8-weeks, will get you motivated to keep pushing and working toward your fitness resolutions.  People that track their progress are more successful in achieving goals, than those that don’t have a way to measure their success.  You will get a set of accomplishment and will feel more confident when you see your hard work paying off.



Is simply not realistic and attainable to set a goal to lose 40 pounds in 1 month.  You will be stressed out and will end up quitting your fitness resolutions, because you are not seeing the progress you wanted.  Yes, you can set a goal to lose 40 pounds, but spread out your deadlines to dates that are attainable.  For example in order to lose 1 lb, you need to burn 3500 calories.  So, to lose 1 lb a week, you need to burn 500 calories each day or decrease your calorie intake by 500 calories each day.   If the goal is lose 2 lbs per week, then you need to burn off 1000 calories each day.  Now, is this possible?  Yes, but you might be worn out trying to cram your cardio sessions to achieve this.  I recommend sticking to 1 lb per week, as I promote losing weight the healthy way.



When you are consistent with the time that you workout, you will be more likely to stick to this routine as you will make it a habit.  It takes 21 days to develop and stick to a new habit.

For me, I workout 6 days a week at 6 a.m.  I have made this a daily consistent habit that is now a lifestyle.  I am a morning person and I like starting my days early.  Somehow, I feel off balance if I don’t start my days exercising.  Another great tip is that I get ‘exercising’ out of the way and I am ready to focus on my daily to-do list.  You need to look for a time that works for you and you will be consistent.

Huge Tip! If you work a 9-5, bring your gym bag with you.  Drive straight to gym after work and just get your workout done.  I cannot tell you how many times I told myself, “I’ll go home, change and go to gym after work.”  Yes, even me!  That obviously didn’t happen, therefore I had to look for a time that really worked for me, that’s why I workout early.



Many people want a healthy body, but you also need to be aware that your mind is what controls you.  You need to make this part of your Fitness Resolutions.  I highly believe getting healthy and fit is more of a “mental” job, than a physical job. Why? Because you have to be disciplined, consistent, and fight that negative voice inside of you, each time that you feel like giving up.  I also work on my self-esteem and confidence daily, I call this “My 1 hour of inner self-work.”  I have this scheduled daily to help me become my best Fit version each day.

“Be Your Best FIT Version Each Day.” Mary Miranda #fitnessresolution #fit
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What difference will it make if you achieve the body of your dreams, but you still have no confidence, low self-esteem and don’t feel you are good enough?  You need to tackle this and make this a priority of your goals.  Read self-help books, journal, analize your thoughts/feelings, and learn to love yourself.  I worked this simultaneously when I started my journey.  My life changed for the better when I integrated this to my resolutions.

  1. Which of the 6 tips is your favorite?  Mine is #2 Visualization!
  2. Are you ready to start your Fitness Resolutions?
  3. What didn’t you like about this blog post?


Don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know your thought and how I can help you!


six-pack abs progress Mary Miranda Fit dec 2


I hope you are eager and motivated to finally start doing something for yourself, to get fit and healthier!  Remember, we all start somewhere and this is a perfect time for you to begin.


Mary Miranda Fit

The post How to Make Fitness Resolutions That Work appeared first on Mary Miranda Fit.